Electric Or Gas Lawn Mower: Which Is Best For You?

Last Updated on July 25, 2024

One of the first things a person looking to purchase a new mower has to decide is fuel type. The truth is that both electric mowers and gas mowers have their upsides and downsides. This is why we will be providing a comparison of these two mowers for you so you can choose the one that best fits your requirements.

Electric vs. Gas Lawn Mower: What’s The Difference Between them?

Cordless Lawn Mower
Electric Lawnmower
Gas Lawnmower

The simple answer to this question is that one runs on gas while the other uses electricity.

A gas mower comes with an oil reservoir and a gas tank. As the gas in the gas tank burns, the energy produced powers the machine and makes it work.

On the other hand, an electric lawn mower derives its power from either of two sources: electricity or battery. If the mower has a cord, then you can plug the machine to an electrical power outlet and the machine will run smoothly. If the machine is a cordless lawn mower, it’ll have a battery which will power the machine once it is charged.

Now we know the difference between a gas and an electric mower is their power source. However, how do these two power sources affect the delivery and efficiency of the machines? Keep reading to find out.

Impact on the Environment

Electrical mowers have an edge here. As gas mowers work they emit some toxic fumes into the air. Electric mowers, however, do not emit any such substance.

Electric lawn mowers are also more environment-friendly because they are much quieter than gas mowers. So, if you’re worried about disturbing your neighbours as you mow your lawn, you might want to go for an electric mower.

Performance level

Though these two types of lawn mowers perform the same function, their performance levels are not the same. When it comes to performance, gas mowers take the lead, but this does not mean they’re always the better choice.

Electric mowers will do fine as long as the lawn is modest and its grass is tender. Some electric mowers can tackle larger areas and cope with harsher conditions.

Nevertheless, gas mowers are generally more effective when it comes to mowing course overgrowth. As long as there’s enough gas to power the machine, it will function consistently at the same level of power and cut grasses just as fast as it was doing when you started using it.

On the other hand, if you’re working with a cordless electrical mower, there will be a decline in performance as the battery runs down. As such, you won’t be able to cut course weed to your satisfaction. You may even need to stop altogether without finishing your mowing.

Most batteries only last for around an hour. Of course, for many people, this will be more than enough. However, electrical mowers are not the best choice for ample space. Even the corded electric mower will not allow you to stretch as much as you want because of its limited cord length. Gas mowers are more practical.


The buying cost of these two mowers is almost the same. However, you’ll find a massive difference in their ongoing expenditure and cost of maintenance.

Gas mowers usually require frequent refills and oil top-up. As time go by, you’ll also need to change some parts of the mower like filters and spark plugs. No need to worry about these with electric mowers, but they too have their ongoing costs.

Unless you have solar panels or another means of generating power to connect your corded mower too, you’ll need to pay the bills for your electric usage. If you’ve got a cordless mower, the battery will wear out eventually, and then you’ll need to replace it. This can be quite an expensive ongoing cost.

Generally, however, electric mowers will turn out to be less expensive to maintain than their gas counterparts.


In this respect, electric mowers have proven to be the better option. They are much lighter to carry than gas mowers. This is because batteries weigh less than a tank full of gas. Also, gas mowers have many metallic parts, while electric ones have a higher number of the plastic component.

While a less weighty mower is excellent to move around, it is not always advantageous. A heavy mower will come in handy when you’re trying to mow very thick grass. It will also prove more steady and reliable when on a sloping, uneven or bumpy ground.

Depending on what your law n’s terrain looks like, you may want to consider extensively which of the mowers will work best before making a decision.


Undoubtedly, both electric and gas mowers pose some health and safety issues. However, which is less harmful? Corded electric mowers have automatic power breakers that switch into action the minute you accidentally run over the cable. Also, a cordless mower won’t give you any problem unless you crack its battery open yourself. So, electric mowers that are operating correctly tend to be very safe.

However, the same cannot be said of gas mowers. Gas lawn mowers are not only toxic; they are also flammable. Still, this does not mean that they’re not safe. If you follow the producer’s instructions and refuel it with great care, your gas mower will not cause any havoc.


Once again, electric mowers, cordless ones specifically, take the lead here. No need to worry about tripping over or cutting into the wire during your working. Meanwhile, you also don’t need to stress yourself by pulling a starter cord or do any other exerting preparatory activity.

Whereas gas mowers can take up so much of your energy while you repeatedly try to start it, you can get an electric mower to start by simply pressing a starter button.


If you’re very particular about safety and environment, an electric mower will serve you perfectly. Then there’s the fact that they’re clean and cost-effective too. On the other hand, gas mowers are more useful for large lawns with harsh conditions. If you use the tips we have provided here, you won’t find any trouble getting any lawnmower to work effectively.


Mustafizur Rahman

Hi there! I'm Mustafizur Rahman, a real dirt-under-the-nails gardener with over 09 years spent in nurseries. After flexing my green thumb for years, I decided to share my knowledge and love for gardening with everyone. That's how Gardengrower.co.uk was born! Here, I put my City & Guilds Horticultural qualifications to good use, writing reliable guides and giving honest reviews of the best gardening tools and products. So, you can skip the research rabbit hole - I've done the digging for you!